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Real or Unreal: Why Conservative Christianity Fears Progressive Christianity

Real or Unreal: Why Conservative Christianity Fears Progressive Christianity

6min read2072 views

For the next month, a consortium of Christian churches in the town of Fountain Hills, Arizona is hosting a series of seminars called “Progressive Christianity: Fact or Fiction”. The series is aimed at providing a buffer against questions that have arisen surrounding a progressive church in the area. The debate between progressive and conservative Christianity is not new. Most of the ...

Racism and the Church

Racism and the Church

1min read1301 views

A short post today. This is heavy on my heart... Imagine if the Church was just as passionate; just as vocal about opposing racism as it was opposing homosexuality! When will we get our priorities in order? When will we start standing up for those who need us just as Christ would? I believe the Church can be great. I believe the church can still ...

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

4min read1460 views

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does. I recently came across an article talking about how the song “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town has been banned by many country radio stations around the country. As the argument goes, the song promotes the “gay agenda”. Of course anyone who actually listens to the song knows this ...

Liberal Fundamentalism: why I am leaving the emerging church conversation

Liberal Fundamentalism: why I am leaving the emerging church conversation

0min read3768 views

To my liberal friends I am a conservative. To my conservative friends I am a liberal. Thus is the plight of one who finds himself in the proverbial middle. Why the middle? Because often it seems that what is true or real lies between the antithetical extremes. The middle is hard to maintain. Both sides are always seducing you in their ...

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

5min read1318 views

Soren Kierkegaard series PART THREE   The Soren Kierkegaard (SK) series has sought to present some of the major theological/cultural concerns associated with the philosopher/theologian in light of our current situation in protestant Christianity. Although SK lived more than 150 years ago his thought is just as relevant today, perhaps even more, than when he first wrote. In Part one I gave a ...

Why are EVANGELICALS not outraged; a double standard or hypocrisy?

Why are EVANGELICALS not outraged; a double standard or hypocrisy?

2min read1363 views

It’s been a year now since my first rant against the comments made by Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. Soon after writing that article I received a lot of feedback from Evangelicals – most was not positive. Had I come down too hard on Phil? Had I come down too hard on Evangelicals? Then, a few months later news broke regarding ...

To My Sisters In The Lord…You Are Free!

To My Sisters In The Lord…You Are Free!

5min read1385 views

When women urge their society to consider them as equals they are often labeled “feminist”. I hate that word. It does nothing but create negative feelings inside of me. However, I understand why it has been necessary. In fact, it’s my own fault I have to experience those feelings related to the term; for I have subjected women for thousands ...

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

2min read1811 views

It seems to me that evangelicals are much too focused on themselves and what they want; instead of following the example of Christ by serving and loving others. This has resulted in a tragic irony for the evangelical church within American culture. Namely, the very thing this worldview espouses (evangelism), is also the thing they are failing at. Although this ...

Homosexuality in Western Culture: a new and reasonable perspective for Christians (Part 3 of 3)

Homosexuality in Western Culture: a new and reasonable perspective for Christians (Part 3 of 3)

5min read1737 views

Like many Christians who seek authenticity within their faith, I have struggled to make sense of the issue of homosexuality within our culture as it relates to the biblical worldview. Authenticity within the Christian life means nothing if does not coexist with honest self-reflection. I believe most people are delusional when it comes to what they believe. They have a ...

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 2 of 3)

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 2 of 3)

13min read2692 views

  PART TWO: The Theological Perspective (Revised March 5, 2014) To those who exist outside of the church, it may come as a surprise for you to know that in the last 10 years the issue of homosexuality has really divided the church. Part of the reason for this has nothing to do with the actual topic itself. Instead, it's more about the ongoing ...