In Memoriam: S.K.

1min read896 views

It was a cold lifeless day As a life was laid to rest; And the hollow air swelled and swayed Upon the empty hour of death; His soul wept and ached in despair As he lay in the silent unknown; For his thoughts were only of her As his heart died alone. VIEW the POST


1min read775 views

Where has time gone, Since last I checked. As a child time seemed to stand still, And days would never end Hours, once rolling slowly like billowing clouds in the sky, Are now like raging waters in a river of time. VIEW the POST

Lines Written at Easter

Lines Written at Easter

1min read856 views

1. I say, let the night come! Let the cold moon cower behind its borrowed brightness - Let its heart be broken Through its raging loneliness, Which only the human soul has known. Let it walk the sky all night, Like a lonely walk down an empty street, Let it know the burden of wounded feet. VIEW the POST

Ode to a Beauty I Once Knew

1min read662 views

Ode to a beauty I once knew, Who was a woman full of class, Revealing nothing through Mere sight. But, her beauty did embrace me one time, Through her eyes; And I came running, As one inexperienced in loving. VIEW the POST

The Factory

1min read576 views

There exists a factory near the place of my birth Where more than just parts were produced But people too; Providing food and shelter; health and a future. For my memories sake I drove past it just the other day Ready to indulge my mind through the Baptism of recollection. VIEW the POST

Someone Once Told Me

1min read575 views

I’m a writer Not a poet, So I wrote a story And turned it into a poem.  

Lovely Lady

3min read759 views

I. Prologue Oh, lovely lady whom I met One fateful night. Although I knew you long ago It’s in your presence Where my dream rests tonight. Becoming lost in recollection I dreamt as one dreaming with no direction, Until you appeared to the artist And he struck the canvas with perfection. It’s there that you were placed Alongside two faceless men, Who look like dogs begging for attention. Yet, you remain the focus ...

Folly: A Satire

1min read616 views

Whoever said “blondes are dumb” Was wrong. And... Whoever said “red heads are the wildest lovers” Have known none. And... Whoever said “brunettes are the most sophisticated” Well, I’ve only seen one. But... Whoever, said “men only think about sex” Was definitely correct.    


1min read1272 views

Horns, And more horns. People, And more people. Trash everywhere. No parking. Tickets. Homeless. No one says hi. VIEW the POST


1min read881 views

For: K. T. ~ Thank You!   Tattered pages feather Toward a dimming light; Longing to be touched Just one more time. Time is nascent, VIEW the POST