
1min read920 views

As I come upon a hill At eventide, I can see The tops of the trees are white And are as high as they are wide Contrasting the darkening nearby sky Against the ever-present moment of time VIEW the POST

I am only a man

1min read676 views

Seven times I died before winter’s end. Eyes accustomed to weeping through the night Thinking thoughts about the loss; And longing to belong To the air you breathe one more time; But I am wholly unworthy VIEW the POST

For a Season

2min read840 views

I set aside a season for my love And a garden to remember her by; So that upon the chime of the new moon My dear love would arrive.   Oh, where has the time gone, Since last she did pass? I have been lost for so long, And so long, lost in the past -   Leaving me wounded from the years Of a time lived without her love My war–torn ...

Experiencing Death

1min read671 views

I wonder what it will be like when I die Will my th


1min read721 views

I am like a shadow moving into the dark Concealing what is real; Hiding among the familiar – I boast a sense of ordinary, Making no motion towards progress I self-loath my own apathy. VIEW the POST

Why do the birds rise so early

1min read671 views

Why do the birds rise so early In the morning I ask; But then I remembered What it’s like in unrest. …and so in that way I am Much like my winged friends Except I only wish I could sing Like them - So early in the morning.