Monthly Archives April 2013

The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom

The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom

4min read5926 views

Is the Bible the Word of God? The bible is not the WORD OF GOD. And if we believe it as such, then we have made the bible into an idol. The bible has become the Church’s idol. It is the Golden Calf of our day. The ancient Hebrews had taken the God of their forefathers and formed him into their ...

A moment in early spring

1min read833 views

Oh, how I love a Sunday afternoon nap in early spring. When the brisk breeze broaches the threshold of the window screen. And laying my head upon the cool pillow Betrays the intent of this beautiful day. As the season breaths on me I begin inhaling the fresh purified air Setting my lungs free And putting my body at ease Allowing my mind to wander and dream. VIEW the ...