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Culture | Eric Scot English
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Covid-19 (Coronavirus) A Confession & Reflection

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) A Confession & Reflection

4min read1767 views

For the most part, I have been emotionally unaffected by Covid-19. Even when the virus struck our state, there was very little emotional change that I experienced. As our children were taken out of school; as professional sports around the country were canceled; as companies and local vendors closed up shop, I still remained emotionally stoic. However, that all changed when ...

When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

3min read2760 views

Memorial Day is a time when we remember those who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms. But, as I reflect on those who have sacrificed for me, I can’t help but include Jesus. As I reflect on the life of Jesus I can’t help but recognize the war he was involved in. It was a war that feels all too ...

Why Progressive Christians should distance themselves from John Shelby Spong’s 12 Theses

Why Progressive Christians should distance themselves from John Shelby Spong’s 12 Theses

3min read2742 views

UPDATE (12/31/15): I would like to take a moment and thank those who provided me with "constructive" criticism related to the title of this article. I have changed the title to reflect the content of the article more accurately.    Although I dislike religious labels, if people ask, I refer to myself as a progressive Christian. When I use the word “progressive”, ...

THEY STILL SPEAK: The Prophets of Our Generation

THEY STILL SPEAK: The Prophets of Our Generation

5min read3162 views

I’m not into the whole “end times” theological debates. I figure when it happens, it will happen. My time is better served by ministering the gospel than calculating mysterious dates and parsing phrases that unlock secret codes. I’m also not what you would call “charismatic”. By that I mean I don’t speak in tongues or practice any of the “spirit-filled” gifts. ...

Sinners in the hands of an Angry God

Sinners in the hands of an Angry God

4min read1796 views

I mourn for Paris. I mourn for the Church. Just as the recent attacks in Paris provoke a deep mourning for France and many around the world, so too do they provoke within me a deep mourning for the Church. It seems that in today’s age of political evangelical Christianity when there is a humanitarian crisis (especially if it involves terrorism) ...

Why many of us read the Bible incorrectly – even those who should know better

Why many of us read the Bible incorrectly – even those who should know better

0min read1737 views

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. We have all heard someone say “I interpret the Bible literally”. What many people mean by this is that they read the Bible propositionally. However, reading some ...

Progressive Christianity: a guide for lost evangelicals

Progressive Christianity: a guide for lost evangelicals

8min read1546 views

I recently read an article which caricatured “Millennials” as cultural capitulators with no theological/philosophical backbone. Certainly, this type of caricature is nothing new. Throughout my tenure within evangelicalism, I can remember a number of Christian expletives that were often used to delineate friend from foe. There are five that come to mind right away: liberal, new age, postmodern, emergent, and ...

A Letter to Evangelicals Regarding Homosexuality

A Letter to Evangelicals Regarding Homosexuality

5min read1473 views

I make only one request. Please read this post in its entirety before making comments. ******** I thank God for all of you. You have been faithful in spreading God’s message throughout the world. Moreover, you have not been bashful about the nature of Christ from His miraculous birth to His bodily resurrection. In fact, you understand better than anyone through how you practice ...

How Political Arrogance and Ignorance Prevents Progress

How Political Arrogance and Ignorance Prevents Progress

4min read1764 views

I generally don't write about politics. Most of my writing focuses specifically on theological/cultural/biblical issues. However, the recent tragedy in Charleston and the overall incompetent response by politicians and the public at large have provoked an almost unbearable frustration. ******* I am constantly underwhelmed and overburdened by those who are elected to lead our country. Maybe I am an idealist but I ...

The Almost Christian Discovered

The Almost Christian Discovered

1min read1800 views

This message was delivered to the fine folks at Papio Creek Church on Sunday May 31st 2015. Description This messages consists of two parts. PART ONE: What does it mean to call oneself a "Christian" in today's culture. We have been told by our predecessors a version of Christianity that is untrue. We have taken this untrue story to the nations under the ...