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I think we give too much credit to the devil

I think we give too much credit to the devil

0min read968 views

[vc_column css=".vc_custom_1538764828293{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"] I think we give too much credit to the devil. You see we tend to justify our sin by excusing it as “temptation”. The “devil made me do it” attitude is simply unacceptable. Instead, we need to begin to take personal responsibility for ...

I don’t pray to God in order to have him answer my request

I don’t pray to God in order to have him answer my request

1min read776 views

I pray to him in order to have him present with me. We are fools if we think praying in faith has anything to do with what we command of God. No, quite the opposite; we have faith in that he has even allowed us in his presence to begin with. My praying in faith is about surviving such an ...

I don’t worship God…

I don’t worship God…

1min read877 views

...because I am going to heaven. I worship God because he has allowed me to participate in his Kingdom.

God IS absolute

God IS absolute

1min read819 views

...but I am not! It is why I trust in Him and not myself.

There is no free gift

There is no free gift

1min read1335 views

It is not free because there is much work to do. It is not a gift because it is neither comfortable nor easy. However, there does exist the free gift of living in ignorance. It’s free because it requires no effort whatsoever. It’s a gift because it was handed to you at birth.