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Breaking Glass Steeples: The Role of Women in Ministry & Society

Breaking Glass Steeples: The Role of Women in Ministry & Society

13min read2625 views

The amount of paper (or perhaps keystrokes) dedicated to the issue of the role of women in Church and society is incalculable. By now it seems like everything that can and should be said about the issue has been discussed, debated, and discussed some more. No doubt this begs the question, do we really need another article addressing this topic? Yes. Why? Because ...

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

3min read3394 views

The Bible is NOT the Word of God, or is it? Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in the Holy Spirit. We certainly acknowledge the existence of the Holy Spirit in our creeds and confessions. We talk about the Holy Spirit in church and in theology classes. We even grant the Holy Spirit its own day – Pentecost Sunday. But ...

Why many of us read the Bible incorrectly – even those who should know better

Why many of us read the Bible incorrectly – even those who should know better

0min read1688 views

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. We have all heard someone say “I interpret the Bible literally”. What many people mean by this is that they read the Bible propositionally. However, reading some ...

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

4min read1460 views

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does. I recently came across an article talking about how the song “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town has been banned by many country radio stations around the country. As the argument goes, the song promotes the “gay agenda”. Of course anyone who actually listens to the song knows this ...

Marcus Borg: A Tribute To Theological Integrity

Marcus Borg: A Tribute To Theological Integrity

2min read1222 views

Perhaps not since the reformation has the church been as divided against itself as it is today. Christians like to label things: republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, Calvinist or Arminian, modern or postmodern; the list is lengthy. Theological scholarship is not much different. To many of these people Marcus Borg was an iconoclastic progressive liberal. Then there is a large ...

Jesus Did NOT Come To Save Your Sins

Jesus Did NOT Come To Save Your Sins

8min read1966 views

I used to know it all. I used to have it all figured out. I had answers for almost everything – including backup answers in case my first answer was insufficient. My “life-verse” was first Peter 3:15, which served as my motivation to “always be prepared to give an answer.” I used to be obsessed with knowledge. In fact, at times ...

To My Sisters In The Lord…You Are Free!

To My Sisters In The Lord…You Are Free!

5min read1385 views

When women urge their society to consider them as equals they are often labeled “feminist”. I hate that word. It does nothing but create negative feelings inside of me. However, I understand why it has been necessary. In fact, it’s my own fault I have to experience those feelings related to the term; for I have subjected women for thousands ...

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

2min read1811 views

It seems to me that evangelicals are much too focused on themselves and what they want; instead of following the example of Christ by serving and loving others. This has resulted in a tragic irony for the evangelical church within American culture. Namely, the very thing this worldview espouses (evangelism), is also the thing they are failing at. Although this ...

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 2 of 3)

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 2 of 3)

13min read2692 views

  PART TWO: The Theological Perspective (Revised March 5, 2014) To those who exist outside of the church, it may come as a surprise for you to know that in the last 10 years the issue of homosexuality has really divided the church. Part of the reason for this has nothing to do with the actual topic itself. Instead, it's more about the ongoing ...

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 1 of 3)

Homosexuality in Western culture: a cultural/theological perspective (Part 1 of 3)

5min read2877 views

  PART ONE: The Cultural Perspective In general I try to keep my articles much shorter than this, however because this topic is so convoluted it required much more. In one sense this article is a result of a personal journey through my study of homosexuality within our culture. The article is divided as such: Part One: The Cultural Perspective This section aims at understanding ...