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When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

3min read2726 views

Memorial Day is a time when we remember those who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms. But, as I reflect on those who have sacrificed for me, I can’t help but include Jesus. As I reflect on the life of Jesus I can’t help but recognize the war he was involved in. It was a war that feels all too ...

A Meditation: The Beauty of Being Holy

A Meditation: The Beauty of Being Holy

2min read1700 views

I think many of us misunderstand the concept of holiness. Many of us think of holiness in terms of ethics; that is, we think holiness = perfection. In actuality, the call for us to “be holy” has nothing to do with our moral behavior per se. Instead, holiness means “to be set apart”. For example, in 1 Peter 1:16 we are ...

I Am The Sum Of My Parts

I Am The Sum Of My Parts

3min read1635 views

For the past two years, I have dedicated an enormous amount of time dealing with cultural issues, in particular, the intersection of Christianity and homosexuality. I have come to realize that I could spend a lifetime simply responding and defending certain actions/behaviors. However, this has detracted away from providing a positive influence on the progression of Christianity. My passions exceed ...