You are viewing Politics

A Letter to Evangelicals Regarding Homosexuality

A Letter to Evangelicals Regarding Homosexuality

5min read1443 views

I make only one request. Please read this post in its entirety before making comments. ******** I thank God for all of you. You have been faithful in spreading God’s message throughout the world. Moreover, you have not been bashful about the nature of Christ from His miraculous birth to His bodily resurrection. In fact, you understand better than anyone through how you practice ...

How Political Arrogance and Ignorance Prevents Progress

How Political Arrogance and Ignorance Prevents Progress

4min read1677 views

I generally don't write about politics. Most of my writing focuses specifically on theological/cultural/biblical issues. However, the recent tragedy in Charleston and the overall incompetent response by politicians and the public at large have provoked an almost unbearable frustration. ******* I am constantly underwhelmed and overburdened by those who are elected to lead our country. Maybe I am an idealist but I ...