You are viewing Kierkegaard

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

5min read1317 views

Soren Kierkegaard series PART THREE   The Soren Kierkegaard (SK) series has sought to present some of the major theological/cultural concerns associated with the philosopher/theologian in light of our current situation in protestant Christianity. Although SK lived more than 150 years ago his thought is just as relevant today, perhaps even more, than when he first wrote. In Part one I gave a ...

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

7min read3101 views

For the past fifteen years the “Emerging Church” has been a source of refuge for a large contingent of disenfranchised Christians. Many of whom are evangelicals who found themselves questioning important aspects of their faith and found little to no support from their local churches. When I first encountered the Emerging Church roughly ten years ago, I believed most of the ...

Kierkegaard on the problem of evil

Kierkegaard on the problem of evil

1min read2434 views

  Kierkegaard was not an advocate for traditional apologetic methodology. Instead, he used a Socratic dialectic approach in order to present a particular case. As we will be discussing here that case is the problem of Evil. To be blunt there is no problem of evil in the eyes of Kierkegaard. To relate the problem of evil to the existence of God ...