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Philosophical Fragments – Truth

Philosophical Fragments – Truth

4min read587 views

1.1 Truth does not inhabit the space of possibility, but rather, only inhabits the space of what is. Conversely, possibility merely exists in a realm of expectation. It can only hope for that which truth has already obtained. One cannot “know” truth. If what is true is identical to what is, then only that which is, can obtain that truth. To ...

For truth to be known, it must first be stomped upon by the world

For truth to be known, it must first be stomped upon by the world

2min read756 views

If I were a blank slate, with respect to knowledge, what would be the first truth I encountered? Descartes believed, for example, that an individual cannot doubt their ability to doubt. For Descartes, this necessitated that thinking was the chief constituent to a universal truth. This line of reasoning requires us to accept the fact (through deduction) that the mind ...

The Subjective-Singular-Self

4min read653 views

  There exist several positions related to the construction of the self that will be mentioned briefly here. First, the singular-self must be understood in two ways: ontologically and linguistically. Ontologically, it is the position of an individual self in relation to its subject matter. Second, it is from this position that an existing self can acquire true knowledge of the ...

To be in Truth you must first deny it

5min read711 views

Certainly there are some among you who gladly look upon this proposition and extrapolate all of the reasons for why one cannot be a Christian while at the same time denying truth. You will no doubt announce “ah, ha!” and move forward with your indictment of the soul, which surely fills books and books. Then there are others who will ...