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A Whisper to the Night (2020 revision)

A Whisper to the Night (2020 revision)

3min read1324 views

Originally published in 2004 the poem "A Whisper to the Night" has been completely reinvented. Arguably one of my best poems this new version creates a more complete narrative that the original could only hint toward.   i. A whisper to the night; The river speaks. Its moving streams move out of sight Flowing into the deep, deep night. The moonlit reflection moves Across a shallow surface. And the ...



1min read1271 views

While the early morning still is dipped in blue And the eager sun begins encroaching upon the horizon I am awakened by the approaching Chimes of autumn’s leaves rising

A moment in early spring

1min read895 views

Oh, how I love a Sunday afternoon nap in early spring. When the brisk breeze broaches the threshold of the window screen. And laying my head upon the cool pillow Betrays the intent of this beautiful day. As the season breaths on me I begin inhaling the fresh purified air Setting my lungs free And putting my body at ease Allowing my mind to wander and dream. VIEW the ...

Lines Written at Easter

Lines Written at Easter

1min read855 views

1. I say, let the night come! Let the cold moon cower behind its borrowed brightness - Let its heart be broken Through its raging loneliness, Which only the human soul has known. Let it walk the sky all night, Like a lonely walk down an empty street, Let it know the burden of wounded feet. VIEW the POST


1min read920 views

As I come upon a hill At eventide, I can see The tops of the trees are white And are as high as they are wide Contrasting the darkening nearby sky Against the ever-present moment of time VIEW the POST

Why do the birds rise so early

1min read671 views

Why do the birds rise so early In the morning I ask; But then I remembered What it’s like in unrest. …and so in that way I am Much like my winged friends Except I only wish I could sing Like them - So early in the morning.