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God IS absolute

God IS absolute

1min read819 views

...but I am not! It is why I trust in Him and not myself.

Who would ever want to live in truth…

Who would ever want to live in truth…

1min read803 views's a terribly dreadful place. You see truth does not care who you are. It makes no concessions and is never arbitrary. Like a beacon shining in the dark it will always expose untruth. To live in truth is to be constantly reminded of just how much untruth exists in our lives and in the world. Yes, indeed, truth is ...

There is no free gift

There is no free gift

1min read1334 views

It is not free because there is much work to do. It is not a gift because it is neither comfortable nor easy. However, there does exist the free gift of living in ignorance. It’s free because it requires no effort whatsoever. It’s a gift because it was handed to you at birth.

God does NOT promise me security…

God does NOT promise me security…

1min read645 views

...but he DOES promise me hope. This hope has nothing to do with my ability to perceive the absolute correctly. It does not rest in any form of certainty whatsoever. It rests in the constant struggle of being a follower of Christ. It’s about obeying WHEN I am commanded. It’s about living out my salvation with fear and trembling. In ...