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Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

6min read3202 views

This article is based upon a readers request. If you are interested in requesting a topic, you can do so HERE. *********** The problem of evil, suffering, and pain are those topics which are commonly used in philosophical arguments against the existence of God. However, there are also practical concerns when it comes to the problem of evil as well. I am ...

Becoming UNenlightened

Becoming UNenlightened

9min read2478 views

My birthday This October I celebrated my 20th anniversary of being a Christian. Well…to be honest, I didn’t really celebrate – there was no cake, decorations, princesses, or a donkey-horse hanging precariously from a tree branch. It was more like, changing diapers, chasing children, and pretending to be a donkey-horse for my five year old. So…I guess in that sense there ...

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

7min read1336 views

Soren Kierkegaard Series (Part Two) Many that hold to the modernist worldview often cringe (I’m being very gracious here) at the idea that truth can be subjective. Many conversations over the years have taught me there are three main reasons for this: first, most have no idea what subjectivity really means (though they think they do). Second, the denial of subjectivity ...