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The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

3min read3394 views

The Bible is NOT the Word of God, or is it? Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in the Holy Spirit. We certainly acknowledge the existence of the Holy Spirit in our creeds and confessions. We talk about the Holy Spirit in church and in theology classes. We even grant the Holy Spirit its own day – Pentecost Sunday. But ...

Progressive Christianity: a guide for lost evangelicals

Progressive Christianity: a guide for lost evangelicals

8min read1528 views

I recently read an article which caricatured “Millennials” as cultural capitulators with no theological/philosophical backbone. Certainly, this type of caricature is nothing new. Throughout my tenure within evangelicalism, I can remember a number of Christian expletives that were often used to delineate friend from foe. There are five that come to mind right away: liberal, new age, postmodern, emergent, and ...

Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

6min read3202 views

This article is based upon a readers request. If you are interested in requesting a topic, you can do so HERE. *********** The problem of evil, suffering, and pain are those topics which are commonly used in philosophical arguments against the existence of God. However, there are also practical concerns when it comes to the problem of evil as well. I am ...

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

Either, how many Christians misunderstand sin; OR, loving like a Pharisee

4min read1460 views

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does. I recently came across an article talking about how the song “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town has been banned by many country radio stations around the country. As the argument goes, the song promotes the “gay agenda”. Of course anyone who actually listens to the song knows this ...

Marcus Borg: A Tribute To Theological Integrity

Marcus Borg: A Tribute To Theological Integrity

2min read1222 views

Perhaps not since the reformation has the church been as divided against itself as it is today. Christians like to label things: republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, Calvinist or Arminian, modern or postmodern; the list is lengthy. Theological scholarship is not much different. To many of these people Marcus Borg was an iconoclastic progressive liberal. Then there is a large ...

Becoming UNenlightened

Becoming UNenlightened

9min read2478 views

My birthday This October I celebrated my 20th anniversary of being a Christian. Well…to be honest, I didn’t really celebrate – there was no cake, decorations, princesses, or a donkey-horse hanging precariously from a tree branch. It was more like, changing diapers, chasing children, and pretending to be a donkey-horse for my five year old. So…I guess in that sense there ...

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

7min read1336 views

Soren Kierkegaard Series (Part Two) Many that hold to the modernist worldview often cringe (I’m being very gracious here) at the idea that truth can be subjective. Many conversations over the years have taught me there are three main reasons for this: first, most have no idea what subjectivity really means (though they think they do). Second, the denial of subjectivity ...

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

7min read3102 views

For the past fifteen years the “Emerging Church” has been a source of refuge for a large contingent of disenfranchised Christians. Many of whom are evangelicals who found themselves questioning important aspects of their faith and found little to no support from their local churches. When I first encountered the Emerging Church roughly ten years ago, I believed most of the ...

The Bible is NOT the Word of God: Postscript (Part 2)

The Bible is NOT the Word of God: Postscript (Part 2)

0min read8987 views

Is the Bible the word of God? Read the first article Read the third article A brief note on the form of things: Last April I wrote a post titled The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom. The article was meant to be a provocation towards rethinking the way we speak about the bible. The reaction it received was ...

Either, what is truth? OR, Why Religion and Science are both asking the wrong questions.

Either, what is truth? OR, Why Religion and Science are both asking the wrong questions.

6min read1617 views

I am still amazed as I peruse various blogs around the internet how much of an issue religion and science still is. For some reason, when it comes to intellectual discourse about these topics rationality seems to be thrown out as a requirement for conversation – or perhaps more accurately, arguing. It seems to me that the majority of this problem ...