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Either “Is Homosexuality A Sin?” OR “Is Homophobia A Sin?”

Either “Is Homosexuality A Sin?” OR “Is Homophobia A Sin?”

5min read2425 views

The modern Church’s overall inability to properly engage the culture in which it exists is none the more evident than in the issue of homosexuality. There is nothing more appalling (except perhaps our treatment of African Americans and women), than the pure hatred that the church has shown to the homosexual community. This will be my attempt at helping to add ...

The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom

The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom

4min read6226 views

Is the Bible the Word of God? The bible is not the WORD OF GOD. And if we believe it as such, then we have made the bible into an idol. The bible has become the Church’s idol. It is the Golden Calf of our day. The ancient Hebrews had taken the God of their forefathers and formed him into their ...

Confession of Faith

2min read698 views

What is a confession of faith? A confession of faith is a personal or corporate declaration of the necessary beliefs the individual or corporate body profess. A confession of faith does not contain any defense for said beliefs, but simply states them in the form of propositions. VIEW the POST