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Entry 4

1min read764 views

I just finished walking the Stations of the Cross. This is the first time I have done this. This monastery has it setup on a carved path out of prairie grass. It’s very hot today (94) and the walk is quite long. I was also able to take some great nature photographs. I will included some photos of that outing ...

Entry 3

1min read760 views

  What a joy to wake up this morning to the sound of Church bells, birds and a steady breeze. I will say, it was a much needed soothing wake up after the night of intense dreaming that took place. I don’t take dreams too seriously, although I must admit I do find them interesting. All of the dreams I am able ...

Entry 2

1min read863 views

Reflections during a two hour walk in the late night hours.   It’s so beautiful out here! I don’t know how one could feel any closer to God than I am; sitting at the top of this great hill looking out over a monastery in one direction and the great expanse of nothingness in the other. And the sky, the sky seems to ...

My Monastic Weekend

My Monastic Weekend

1min read660 views

Entry 1: What I am doing & why I am here?   For the last fifteen years I have been on a journey; a journey which has enabled me to enter into dialogue with some great minds both past and present. Despite some unfortunate detours along the way, this academic journey has enabled me to answer one part of a two part question: ...