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The Art of BEing (part one)

The Art of BEing (part one)

6min read2112 views

There is one person I trust implicitly. Perhaps more than anyone else in this world. I have confided in him with my innermost thoughts, my secrets, my fears, even my fantasies. He has been my best friend for most of my life. He has seen me at my best and most successful and my worst and most pitiful. Over the ...

Reforming our education system will solve a number of our nation’s problems.

0min read751 views

Simply adopting one idea will not change the overall issue of quality education within our country. So many of our nation’s problems are deeply woven into the fabric of our societal consciousness that a solution requires a radical and comprehensive reform of the American education system. For example, you can’t address education inequality without also addressing racism. Below are a few ...

Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

Evil, Suffering and the Problem of Pain

6min read3202 views

This article is based upon a readers request. If you are interested in requesting a topic, you can do so HERE. *********** The problem of evil, suffering, and pain are those topics which are commonly used in philosophical arguments against the existence of God. However, there are also practical concerns when it comes to the problem of evil as well. I am ...

Becoming UNenlightened

Becoming UNenlightened

9min read2478 views

My birthday This October I celebrated my 20th anniversary of being a Christian. Well…to be honest, I didn’t really celebrate – there was no cake, decorations, princesses, or a donkey-horse hanging precariously from a tree branch. It was more like, changing diapers, chasing children, and pretending to be a donkey-horse for my five year old. So…I guess in that sense there ...

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

“Kill the Commentators” and the propositionalists if you have time

5min read1318 views

Soren Kierkegaard series PART THREE   The Soren Kierkegaard (SK) series has sought to present some of the major theological/cultural concerns associated with the philosopher/theologian in light of our current situation in protestant Christianity. Although SK lived more than 150 years ago his thought is just as relevant today, perhaps even more, than when he first wrote. In Part one I gave a ...

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

EMBRACING THE ABSURD: the problem of ABSOLUTES and the promise of SUBJECTIVITY

7min read1336 views

Soren Kierkegaard Series (Part Two) Many that hold to the modernist worldview often cringe (I’m being very gracious here) at the idea that truth can be subjective. Many conversations over the years have taught me there are three main reasons for this: first, most have no idea what subjectivity really means (though they think they do). Second, the denial of subjectivity ...

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

Soren Kierkegaard: The First Emergent Thinker? (Part One)

7min read3103 views

For the past fifteen years the “Emerging Church” has been a source of refuge for a large contingent of disenfranchised Christians. Many of whom are evangelicals who found themselves questioning important aspects of their faith and found little to no support from their local churches. When I first encountered the Emerging Church roughly ten years ago, I believed most of the ...

An Epistle from Saul of Tarsus

An Epistle from Saul of Tarsus

5min read2105 views

Some chose to leave. Some chose to stay and fight. I became lost and chose to write.   Saul sends his greeting To Evangelicals spread throughout Christendom: Saul of Tarsus, along with the brothers Franklin ((Franklin son of William was an influential Evangelical leader during the reign of Obama the Great)) and James ((Not much is known about James. We know he was influential ...

The Ken Ham Bill Nye Debate: a full analysis

The Ken Ham Bill Nye Debate: a full analysis

10min read4820 views

Ken Ham vs Bill Nye. It's not the Bud Bowl, but it will suffice as an entertaining way to spend one's evening. I generally don't like formal debates. Their formalities tend to get in the way of the conversational tone necessary for the transmission of ideas. In other words, they seem mostly pointless. However, one of the most highly anticipated public ...

The Metaphysics of Witnessing

The Metaphysics of Witnessing

4min read1953 views

Ludwig Wittgenstein’s (1889-1951) linguistic philosophy is both convoluted and profoundly elegant once the basic ideas are unpacked into digestible pieces. One such idea is his theory of language games. Wittgenstein posited (among many other things) that within every subculture, there are specific ways language is used relative to that particular culture. Moreover, how that particular subculture chooses to use its ...