Red Eye

Red Eye

1min read1540 views

  It will happen on a night like this When the stars dangle precariously from strings Into a black ether. When an unobstructed moon Slowly wanes across a star-filled sky; On that night I will whisper “Be careful of the stars” And my words will follow you as you travel. (No matter where you are)

The Cost Of Breathing

The Cost Of Breathing

1min read2243 views

for G.F.   Where is the air, I cannot breathe? The weight of this world is too heavy. It’s a suffocating frenzy Of people in need. Like the King, my name will be upon the lips of many - a flaming arrow that will blister the ears of those unwilling to hear. No matter how far or near They are our enemy. When I cannot breathe, I cannot speak But my ...

The Art of BEing (part one)

The Art of BEing (part one)

6min read2112 views

There is one person I trust implicitly. Perhaps more than anyone else in this world. I have confided in him with my innermost thoughts, my secrets, my fears, even my fantasies. He has been my best friend for most of my life. He has seen me at my best and most successful and my worst and most pitiful. Over the ...

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) A Confession & Reflection

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) A Confession & Reflection

4min read1732 views

For the most part, I have been emotionally unaffected by Covid-19. Even when the virus struck our state, there was very little emotional change that I experienced. As our children were taken out of school; as professional sports around the country were canceled; as companies and local vendors closed up shop, I still remained emotionally stoic. However, that all changed when ...

Breaking Glass Steeples: The Role of Women in Ministry & Society

Breaking Glass Steeples: The Role of Women in Ministry & Society

13min read2625 views

The amount of paper (or perhaps keystrokes) dedicated to the issue of the role of women in Church and society is incalculable. By now it seems like everything that can and should be said about the issue has been discussed, debated, and discussed some more. No doubt this begs the question, do we really need another article addressing this topic? Yes. Why? Because ...

Why I Decided To Re-Launch The Blog (2018)

Why I Decided To Re-Launch The Blog (2018)

0min read1984 views

In September of 2016, I made the decision to take a sabbatical from writing. When I set out to start a blog it was intended to be a theological/philosophical platform to help the Church make the reforms necessary for effectively spreading the gospel of Jesus. What I had not anticipated was just how much the Church had strayed off message by ...

Reforming our education system will solve a number of our nation’s problems.

0min read750 views

Simply adopting one idea will not change the overall issue of quality education within our country. So many of our nation’s problems are deeply woven into the fabric of our societal consciousness that a solution requires a radical and comprehensive reform of the American education system. For example, you can’t address education inequality without also addressing racism. Below are a few ...

EITHER, A Letter of departure, OR Give a blogger a hug

EITHER, A Letter of departure, OR Give a blogger a hug

3min read1734 views

This is my first article in four months. Although that may not sound like a long time, to a blogger it’s an eternity. I have taken a much-needed writing sabbatical in order to rest and get re-energized. Unfortunately, neither has happened. The last year or so have proven to take a huge toll on my heart and mind. Over the ...

When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

When Jesus sacrificed his life: a Memorial Day reflection

3min read2726 views

Memorial Day is a time when we remember those who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms. But, as I reflect on those who have sacrificed for me, I can’t help but include Jesus. As I reflect on the life of Jesus I can’t help but recognize the war he was involved in. It was a war that feels all too ...

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

3min read3394 views

The Bible is NOT the Word of God, or is it? Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in the Holy Spirit. We certainly acknowledge the existence of the Holy Spirit in our creeds and confessions. We talk about the Holy Spirit in church and in theology classes. We even grant the Holy Spirit its own day – Pentecost Sunday. But ...