My Monastic Weekend

My Monastic Weekend

1min read660 views

Entry 1: What I am doing & why I am here?   For the last fifteen years I have been on a journey; a journey which has enabled me to enter into dialogue with some great minds both past and present. Despite some unfortunate detours along the way, this academic journey has enabled me to answer one part of a two part question: ...

Am I Fallen or Falling; Am I Depraved or Lost?

Am I Fallen or Falling; Am I Depraved or Lost?

3min read3009 views

  I remember when I was a child having this dream that I was falling into some black abyss of nothingness. It's really strange to have this constant feeling of weightlessness. This, of course, is quite different from those dreams we all have of falling some short distance. We have this incredible sense of panic, which only lasts as long as ...

What Descartes said, and what I think he meant

What Descartes said, and what I think he meant

3min read1145 views

 Part One   Truth does not inhabit the space of possibility, but rather, only inhabits the space of what is. Conversely, possibility merely exists in a realm of expectation. It can only hope for that which truth has already obtained. One cannot “know” truth. If what is true is identical to what is, then only that which is, can obtain that truth. To ...

My Incredible Dream

My Incredible Dream

2min read2665 views

I dream often, but I don't often dream of things that important. Last night, I had one of the most incredible dreams about my life, that only now has been made clear to me. My wife and I are traveling to an airport with her family so that we can show them how incredible the design of the airport is. ...

Kierkegaard on the problem of evil

Kierkegaard on the problem of evil

1min read2435 views

  Kierkegaard was not an advocate for traditional apologetic methodology. Instead, he used a Socratic dialectic approach in order to present a particular case. As we will be discussing here that case is the problem of Evil. To be blunt there is no problem of evil in the eyes of Kierkegaard. To relate the problem of evil to the existence of God ...

A Prayer

A Prayer

1min read1888 views

    This was a prayer that was prepared for our Sunday morning worship service.           Heavenly Father… Creator and Sustainer of all things. Grant us, your people, the opportunity to approach your blessed throne. Lord… Give us the courage to come before you; For we know that by coming before you we are exposing ourselves for who we are. Since we know we can only come before you as ...

The Kingdom

The Kingdom

1min read1928 views

I recently had one of those moments where something made sense. Sitting in church on Sunday the Kingdom of God seemed to come into clarity. The topic is heavily debated, in particular, Dispensationalists versus Calvinists. To be honest I don't really care which group believes what as I find myself belonging to neither. It seems to me in reading scripture as ...

The Inwardness of Man

3min read823 views

It is all very easy, is it not? At least that is what it seems. One can get up on a particular day of the week around mid-morning and go to a place of fellowship with like-minded individuals. It is all very easy, is it not, to exist in indifference? One could certainly get the impression that the situation is ...

To be in Truth you must first deny it

5min read711 views

Certainly there are some among you who gladly look upon this proposition and extrapolate all of the reasons for why one cannot be a Christian while at the same time denying truth. You will no doubt announce “ah, ha!” and move forward with your indictment of the soul, which surely fills books and books. Then there are others who will ...